Housing Courts Must Change!

NY State Right to Counsel Map for HCMC Support


HCMC! Campaign Legislation Map


Housing Courts Must Change! (HCMC) is a statewide campaign launched by the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in 2020 to transform the courts across New York State (NYS) from an “eviction machine” to a place that holds landlords accountable, upholds tenants’ rights, and enables tenants to remain in their homes.

NYS legislative support for the HCMC campaign platform is shown on the map through Senate and Assembly districts. The HCMC campaign focuses on our legislative demands:
  • Statewide Right to Counsel (S2721 / A1493)
  • Defend Right to Counsel (S3254 / A4993)
  • Winter Eviction Moratorium (S1403 / A4093)
  • Clean Hands (A490)
  • Explore the map to view co-located geographic support between the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition’s base support, zip code boundaries, counties, assembly districts, and senate districts.

    To take action in support of our campaign, go to:https://www.righttocounselnyc.org/takeaction

    Click on the map to begin exploring!

    Statewide Right to Counsel

    S2721 / A1493

    Senate Support

    Total 63 seats
    32 votes
    Simple Majority
    42 votes
    32 sponsors

    Assembly Support

    Total 150 seats
    75 votes
    Simple Majority
    100 votes
    63 sponsors

    Statewide Right to Counsel

    (S2721 / A1493)

    New York communities need long term solutions that will keep them safe and securely housed. We're calling on NY State to pass Statewide Right to Counsel (S2721 / A1493), so ALL tenants across New York State have the right to a lawyer when facing an eviction.

    A simple majority, more than half of the votes, is required to pass legislation in New York State. If legislation is passed with a supermajority, a two-thirds vote, the governor cannot override the legislation with a veto.

    Defend Right to Counsel

    S3254 / A4993

    Senate Support

    Total 63 seats
    32 votes
    Simple Majority
    42 votes
    9 sponsors

    Assembly Support

    Total 150 seats
    75 votes
    Simple Majority
    100 votes
    18 sponsors

    Defend Right to Counsel

    (S3254 / A4993)

    Local Right to Counsel laws must be defended! We know that 84% of tenants who have a lawyer are able to stay in their home. Tenants must be given the time they need to find a lawyer. To ensure this, the NYS legislature should pass our Defend Right to Counsel Legislation (S3254 / A4993) to ensure that tenants in localities that have passed a Right to Counsel law are given the time they need to be connected to legal representation!

    A simple majority, more than half of the votes, is required to pass legislation in New York State. If legislation is passed with a supermajority, a two-thirds vote, the governor cannot override the legislation with a veto.

    Winter Eviction Moratorium

    S1403 / A4093

    Senate Support

    Total 63 seats
    32 votes
    Simple Majority
    42 votes
    4 sponsors

    Assembly Support

    Total 150 seats
    75 votes
    Simple Majority
    100 votes
    12 sponsors

    Winter Eviction Moratorium

    (S1403 / A4093)

    Evictions tear apart families and communities, result in homelessness, and can cause serious mental and physical health problems. Especially during the winter months, New Yorkers need stable housing to keep kids in school, protect from infectious disease, and stay safe from the brutal cold. We're calling on NY State to pass a Winter Eviction Moratorium (S1403/A4093), to keep New Yorkers in their homes and out of the cold.

    A simple majority, more than half of the votes, is required to pass legislation in New York State. If legislation is passed with a supermajority, a two-thirds vote, the governor cannot override the legislation with a veto.

    Clean Hands

    N/A / A1853

    Clean Hands

    (N/A / A1853)

    Assembly Bill A1853 requires a landlord to have "clean hands" to bring action for rent or eviction in certain cases. This legislation would prohibit a landlord for suing for nonpayment if there are housing code violations in the tenant's unit or the common areas of the building.

    A simple majority, more than half of the votes, is required to pass legislation in New York State. If legislation is passed with a supermajority, a two-thirds vote, the governor cannot override the legislation with a veto.

    active control panel

    Statewide Right to Counsel Senate District Support Map

    Support, Democrat
    Support, Republican
    No Support, Democrat
    No Support, Democrat
    No Support, Republican
    No Support, Republican
    active control panel
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